Monday, January 18, 2016

WWE looking for a boost...

How will WWE look to generate momentum before the Royal Rumble? What bouts will the company add to the card? Injury reports, backstage updates and James Wortman's five-point preview on offer plenty of answers. [(Bleacher Report)] Good afternoon all, I have been trying to get back onto the drama scene that is the WWE. Since my brother went to Florida I've been trying to watch it and although he isn't here it kinda feels like he is. With that aside let's talk about the Royal Rumble that is coming up shortly. So far a nice and interesting names have been entered into the rumble. Seeing Brock Lesnar come back a week ago and pretty much making his presence known - I would have to go ahead and say that the match will definitely be interesting. Like I stated in the title - WWE will have to put up a really good show tonight to get the viewers hyped up about the Rumble. I didn't know the superstars were on tour in India but now they're back and it just might get to the point where we will have a few matches that aren't repetitive. For awhile there they had some of the stars going up against each other for weeks that didn't really have a point to it other than "Lets' get something on TV". I'm looking forward to tonight's show with the hopes of seeing something different and amazing. f0246bb7ce1b76e1d6f6c4f068f14f6147465adc4966a0b099

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