Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Rob Zombie's turn...

This post is to inform you the viewers that Rob Zombie has written and directed what I believe is an awesome movie. Take the time to watch the Halloween the movie trailer and see for yourself what I'm talking about. I believe that his angle on this movie is quite unique. The way that the story is being told in the angle of the bad guy instead of the sweet innocent girl is something that needed to be done for quite some time now. I have always loved the Halloween series as well as the Freddy and Jason series. My ultimate scary movie has to be The Fog, not the latest version but the original one. When I watched that as a kid I would freak out when the fog would creep on in from under the doorway and the light would come on and be as bright as the sun. Telling you guys about it now still makes my arm hairs stand on end. I own the classic one and I watch it from time to time and of course now that I'm older it doesn't really scare me as much but boy I tell you what when I was younger and the movie was just getting under way and I tried not to see pirates come out from the fog I felt every nerve of my body just tense up. This version looks to be one that I will definitely have to add to my collection of horror flicks.

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