Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Napolean's Parts...

The title is some what weird and awkward but it is true.
Exiled emperor Napoleon Bonaparte died on May 5, 1821. The following day, doctors conducted an autopsy, which was reportedly witnessed by many people, including a priest named Ange Vignali.

Though the body was said to be largely intact at the time of the undertaking, it seems the priest took home a souvenir. In 1916, Vignali's heirs sold a collection of Napoleonic artifacts, including what they claim to be the emperor's penis.

While no one knows for sure if it really is Napoleon's, uh, manhood, people have paid good money for the penis. Currently, it's in the possession of an American urologist.

This snip it (no pun intended) is just one of a few that are located on this article at CNN's site today. I have mentioned on my other blog about a museum that I would love to visit the next time I'm on the east coast, The Museum of Health and Medicine in Washington, D.C. -
Here is the link to the post on my other blog. If any of you reading this either live in D.C. or are visiting can you please tell Mr. Steven Solomon I said what's up.


Anonymous said...

Hi Roman,

Thanks for directing people to say hello to me, but I retired from the National Museum of Health and Medicine last March and am now living quietly in Tampa.

And, as long as I'm writing, I might as well correct the CNN report. John Wilkes Booth's vertebrae are currently not on display at the museum. But visitors can see the bullet that killed President Lincoln as well as his skull fragments and some hair.

Steven Solomon
former Public Affairs Officer

roman said...

Thank you sir for the update, I hope you are enjoying your retirement in Tampa. I will pass the info to my wife about Mr. Booth's vertebrae not on display.
It was meeting and talking to you sir well kind of, have yourself a good day.