Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Politically driven / Fan driven...

Regardless to what the answer is the new Arena will be a sight that will have many embracing a new era. Toledo is way overdue for a project of this magnitude. This endeavor was first thought to be a politically driven project but after a few citizens were involved and their voices heard I can feel the two entities coming together on a common decision - Toledo needs a fresh start.
I have to admit that although I love to debate political issues with my wife, I didn't really care for politics before meeting her. I have her to thank for when it comes to my understanding of Toledo History and it's roots. This city is one for all of us to be proud of, especially when the Arena is just the beginning of what's to come in the near future. Politics will always peak it's head out but it's politics that we need in order to discuss what matters the most in any city "citizens".

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